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Stay Safe and still Shop Local

Andriod phone? Let's get together on Hangouts.

If you use an Andriod phone and want to video chat with us, simply make sure you have "Hangouts" downloaded on your phone,  click on the location you prefer. We'll get you booked with a Jewelry Advisor. 

Appointment With AustinAppointment with Round Rock

Iphone user? FaceTime us today.

Prefer the Iphone? Setup an appointment now for your private video chat with one of our Jewelry Advisors. Choose your favorite location.

Appointment with AustnAppointment with Round Rock

Prefer to Zoom? Invite the whole family.

Zoom is great and we can invite multiple people to help you choose your favorite pieces. Need a gift for Mom's Birthday. Invite all your siblings no matter where they are to select a perfect ring or gift. Choose a location for your appointment.

Appointment with AustnAppointment with Round Rock

The Ring a Better Way to Shop Local from your Favorite Chair.

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